Licence Types

Head Office, Sales and Marketing: Arena Business Centres, Holyrood Close, Poole, Dorset BH17 7FJ
Support and Development Office: Regus Oxford Point, 19 Oxford Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 8GS
Rocktime Limited: 3781061 in England and Wales.
VAT Registration Number: GB 750 1709 52

News West Sussex County Council choose Verso to automate Street Services Licensing

verso™ is a cloud based standalone platform developed as a SaaS offering for the public sector with the objective of transforming council officer administration.

Rocktime consulted closely with WSCC demonstrating innovation in the management of Street Works related workflow and licence related processes which will enable council inspectors the means to more effectively perform their day-to-day tasks.

verso™ Street Services Licensing platform provides the capability to connect with multiple external resources through API integration such as Street Manager, One Network, Street Gazetteer and chosen payment gateway provider.

Additional functions highlighted within the procurement process included:

  • Ability to identify and allocate inspector areas by polygon presented within a street map view
  • Ability to prompt site occupancy Inspections to an inspector and receive result
  • Management of inspections whilst in the field with results automatically available
  • Ability to upload and store documents and identify expiry dates.
  • Automatically generate document renewal reminders and block new licences if documents out of date.

Ground inspectors will have the ability to issue FPNs and/ or new licences, renewals and enforcement notices via handheld devices (smart phone, tablet).

The verso™ platform has been built as a versatile licence management platform offering the ability to manage licence applications each with their own workflow requirements.

Please contact us today or book a free no obligation online demonstration to discover how verso™ can help your council to manage the Street Works Licensing process effectively.

West Sussex County Council choose Verso to automate Street Services Licensing

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