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Blog Calls for government to start trialling car wash licensing schemes

MP’s have called for the government to start trialling licensing schemes for hand car washes, after several damning reports about poor working conditions and modern-day slavery.

The Environmental Audit Committee conducted an enquiry into fears that hand car washes are responsible for exploitation of migrants. Around 80% of the car wash industry can attribute to hand car washes. This is largely due to low costs and convenience for consumers.

There are as many as 20,000 hand car washes operating within the UK, but due to lack of licensing it’s unclear what the exact number is.

Reports into serious health and safety violations including cases of trench foot, chemical burns and even a death of a hand car wash worker who lived in unsafe accommodation.

Due to lack of licensing in hand car washes, there have been several cases of exploitation, including reports of illegally low or lack of pay and unsafe working conditions.

The government are currently reviewing whether the Modern Slavery Act should be updated to cover small businesses, including hand car wash operators and nails bars.

Rocktime’s award winning verso™ software, is a licensing management system which allows you to simplify and automate your licensing processes, freeing up officers from the day-to-day admin processes that prove to be so time consuming.

verso™ currently powers 50+ Local Government licensing schemes. Fully automating processes, by providing a flexible, cost effective platform. verso’s intelligent cloud-based infrastructure will deal with representations, license conditions, license documentation and offers a bespoke workflow system.

Calls for government to start trialling car wash licensing schemes

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