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Head Office, Sales and Marketing: Arena Business Centres, Holyrood Close, Poole, Dorset BH17 7FJ
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Blog The Hidden Cost of .GOV.UK and Non-Automated Online Application Forms

Local Authorities are sometimes unaware of the hidden costs associated with the use of legacy non-automated online forms (that can integrate with existing case management systems) and traditional paper based applications.

With each application that is received from non-automated online forms (such as GOV.UK or via paper based application) on average taking up to 20 minutes to manually enter data into the licensing system.

Each year Local Authorities are spending valuable resources on tasks that with the right automated online forms package can be automated (with no need for manual input) to allow the Local Authority to make significant savings and reduce the operating costs associated with managing the licensing process.

Introducing verso™UX

A complete out-the-box online forms package that can integrate with existing 3rd party licensing systems and payment platforms for a fully automated solution.

Forms package includes forms for:

  • Licensing Act 2003 (Premise, Personal, Clubs, Temporary Event Notices)
  • Taxi Licensing (Hackney Carriage, Driver,
  • Property Licensing (HMO, Selective, Additional, S257, TENs)
  • Gaming & Gambling
  • Special Treatments
  • Scrap Metal Dealers
  • Caravan Sites
  • General Licensing
  • Animal Licensing
  • Street Services (Skips, Scaffolding)
  • Pavement Licensing and more

Please contact us today or sign up for a free no obligation online demonstration.

The Hidden Cost of .GOV.UK and Non-Automated Online Application Forms

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