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Head Office, Sales and Marketing: Arena Business Centres, Holyrood Close, Poole, Dorset BH17 7FJ
Support and Development Office: Regus Oxford Point, 19 Oxford Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 8GS
Rocktime Limited: 3781061 in England and Wales.
VAT Registration Number: GB 750 1709 52

News Waltham Forest joins verso™ family

Rocktime is delighted to announce that the London Borough of Waltham Forest has commissioned Rocktime to deliver its verso™ software to power the councils Market & Street Trader Licensing schemes.

The borough wide service has a wide remit, and covers the following areas:

  • Shop front trading (borough wide)
  • Miscellaneous trading sites (borough wide)
  • Table & Chairs (cafés on the High Street)
  • Licensing of Markets
  • Unlicensed Street trading
  • Rental service (parking, containers, car park)
  • Town Centre Management
  • Film service
  • Market Operations

verso™ is now widely accepted as the industry standard in public sector licensing automation and license management will transform the application process by providing a high user experience, whilst background data validation and business process automation will free officers and support staff to focus on the effective management of the councils markets and street traders, along with enforcement of the street and market trading policy. The verso™ multi-tenanted system includes various integrations including the Council's online payment platform and various data validation services.

The operation of the main Walthamstow market is one of the major services delivered by the team, and enforcement of a wide range of controls includes times of trading, types of goods, courtesy to the public, public safety and public liability insurance. Enforcement is a key component of the service and is fundamental to the way it delivers the service to over 300 licence holders. The new verso™ powered solution will not only allow the Council to manage traders and pitch assignment, but includes workflows includes compliance with breaches against terms and conditions it also includes non-payment of fees, arrears and fines.

The service currently operates through the use of a series of manual paper-based systems and spread sheets which currently work well in supporting the service and its customers but generates large amounts of paper. This will now be automated and moved online allowing vast amounts of critical data held about traders to be stored securely and reported on by the council.

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